Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Are Mondays Falling on a 13th Supposed to be Cursed, too?

No, really... 'cause everything that could possibly go wrong yesterday, pretty much did -- from insurance companies denying prescriptions that they have been filling for the first half of 2009 to catching pizza on fire in the oven to Chewy deciding he hates children.

Yeah, Chewy hates little people. Neil and I took the dogs for a walk yesterday, and there were these two little girls selling lemonade for .20 cents a glass. I am all for supporting the sale of lemonade, so we went over to them to buy a glass, and when one of the girls came over to hand me my glass, Chewy went nuts -- barking and growling and lunging at her... and coming VERY close to biting her.

I'm a bit devastated. Chewy has never been aggressive, really. Stupid, absolutely, aggressive, no. And I have no idea what to do to make sure he doesn't do it again, aside from making sure he isn't ever around kids. Thinking back, he has not really been around kids at all before -- but why would be stupidly friendly with adults and insanely aggressive and nervous around children?

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