Sunday, June 21, 2009

Can you be maudlin and emo at the same time?

If so, that about sums out how I'm feeling at the moment.

Attempting to buy a house is stressful. Especially when you have no idea what you're doing.

I want the process to be over, already... and I still have six weeks to go. Bah.

I think going it alone just makes it that much harder. Still, I know it is the right decision. Roommate or no roommate, the responsibility of the thing is entirely on me. It's kind of scary. But, regardless of what happens, I am going to try to stick it out here for at least a few years, so I might as well stop renting. Plus, painting is fun? ...

Sometimes I wish I weren't so inconsistent about oh, everything in life. It would be nice. Sometimes. I am too emotional and easily affected by the moods of others around me. It's annoying as hell.

I just had one of the best father's day experiences that I can remember... and now I am being emo. For basically no reason. I'm pretty sure this makes me a complete pain in the ass.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

Kat said...

I kinda thought maudlin was similar to emo anyway...

Yes, buying a house = real pain in the ass, and I'm not even the one doing all the work! I can't imagine all the stuff YOU get to do!

Let's see, home inspection, appraisal, loan applications, signing your life away 100 times, writing up contracts and negotiating... herm...