Sunday, May 6, 2007

Updates, the highlights

It has been an embarrassingly long time since I last updated this, so here goes: Steve and I have officially been in our new house for eight days, very exciting. I basically love it -- Oscar is here with us finally, which makes having to drive to campus worth it. =) Plus, it's nice to get away from things for a while.

I got into grad school and will be starting in August, so that's good news. At least now I can definitely stay in school forever, and that somehow makes things ok seeing as I can't find a real job. Heh. Only one more month of school left as an undergrad, and I cannot wait to be finished with Ohio University. It just keeps getting worse and worse -- bloated administration salaries while the professors are paid below the national average and programs and events continue to be cut -- the latest being the Spring Literary Festival. This is the last year they're having it, how awful is that? And after that announcement, our president had the audacity to ask the professors in the English department to help fundraise for the university. Last time I checked, that wasn't in the professors job descriptions. Yeah, I really do hate our current administration. Perhaps he is a nice guy, but he does not know how to manage a school. It's utterly incompetent.

And on that happy note... I'll leave you. =)


Monty said...

And which grad school is that?

I feel bad for McDavis. The trustees are the brains behind everything, but he takes all the fire. And man is he unpopular.

Eclecticbookwrm said...

Kent State -- Masters in Library Science. And yeah, that's probably true, but surely he has some control over things as the president.